• Our Business|Restaurant & Delicatessen Business

Restaurant & Delicatessen Business


to meet the needs for Good Food

In the Restaurant & Delicatessen Business, we utilize our low-cost operation strategy built through Gyomu Super business and an advantage of scale by Integrated Food Production and Distribution Operations.
We meet demanding needs of today's food service environment in a timely manner, providing our customers with safe and reliable food products and services.

Restaurant Business

Kobe Cook World Buffet

Kobe Cook World Buffet is one of the largest buffet-style restaurant chains in Japan, offering a variety of authentic dishes and desserts from around the world and providing large space with comfortable tables and enough seats.

Click here to visit the World Buffet website.
(Available in Japanese only)

Premium Karubi

Premium Karubi is a served a-la-carte buffet style BBQ restaurant chain. From beef and other meat selected for taste and quality to in-house made desserts created by pâtissiers exclusively dedicated to us, you can enjoy the premium deliciousness as much as you like.

Click here to visit the Premium Karubi website.
(Available in Japanese only)

Delicatessen Business



Chisouna is a delicatessen shop chain under the concept of offering everyday dining. We offer prepared foods and bento made in house, focusing not only taste but also affordable prices, so you can enjoy them every day.

Click here to visit the Chisouna website.
(Available in Japanese only)

*As of October 31, 2024

Annual Net Sales
(Unit: Millions of yen)